No 1. Only Kittens Are Cute
Some say that kittens are cute but adult cats are scary. Not everyone is a cat person.
But, these words can hurt cat lovers who consider their cat as a family member.
No 2. Cats Can’t Recognize Owners
Some say that cats have bad memories so they don’t recognize their owners. It hurts cat owners’ feelings.
Cats are independent. So, they’re hard to be trained.
And, they don’t obey. Indeed, they have good memories as dogs. They even sense our emotions.
No 3. Pregnant Women Should Avoid Cats
Because cats can transmit toxoplasma, there is a saying that pregnant women should not be around cats.
The truth is that infection usually occurs by eating raw meat, not by just contacting cats.
People can become infected by touching an infected cat's poop and then touching food or mouth. Cat lovers can get tired whenever others bring up this topic.
No 4. Cats Are Easy To Take Care Of
Some people assume that cats are easy to take care of because owners don’t need to go for a walk like dogs.
But, every pet deserves love and care. Cats are no exception.
No 5. Cats Are Solitary
As cats are independent, people can think cats don’t need attention or love.
People may not understand when cat lovers worry about their cat at home alone. But cats are just like dogs in that they need their owner’s care. In severe cases, they can have separation anxiety.