How To Pick Up Your Cat Properly


Your cat may not like hugs very much. But sometimes you have no choice but to hold her, such as when trimming her claws or brushing her teeth. At this time, if you hold her incorrectly, she can get injured, and in severe cases she can get traumatized.

Let's find out what’s the wrong way to hold your cat and what’s the right way.

The Wrong Ways To Pick Up Your Cat


No 1. Scruff Your Cat



Mom cats sometimes grab their kittens by the neck. This is ok only when kittens are very light.


If you do this to adult cats, it could hurt them and cause muscle damage.


Of course, your cat doesn’t wanna be picked up this way. Never lift her by the neck.

No 2. Hold Front Legs Or Under Arm



Don’t pick her up by her front legs because she can get injured.


It can hurt her ankle or strain her joints. To hold under her arm with your two hands also hurts her shoulder or front leg joints.

No 3. Hold Your Cat On Back



Cat belly is so soft and weak. So, cats think it is their weak spot because it's easy to be attacked.


So, if your cat is alert or anxious, she would never show her belly.

If you hold her on her back, while you have not yet earned her absolute trust, she will be nervous. To build enough trust with her is key and try this handling later.

The Right Way To Pick Up Your Cat


No 1. Put One Hand Under Her Body Behind Her Front Legs



When you move your hand under her body behind her front legs, check if she stays calm. Over and over again, let her get used to your touch.


She may quickly wiggle her tail and try to bite. It means dislike. Then put your hand away and try it later.

No 2. Support Her Butt



After she gets used to your hand under her chest, put another hand under her butt. This is to make her safe. First, you place your two hands under her arm for a moment. Then, move your one hand to support her butt.


Don’t hurry and hold your kitty slowly and gently.

No 3. Make Her Feel Most Comfortable



The next step is to make her more relaxed. It can vary from cat to cat. Find the most comfortable hugging posture for your kitty. She may prefer you to hold her against your chest or face you.


If your cat is too big and heavy, you can get her on your shoulder.

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