Many people wonder if cats recognize their owners because they do not seem to care about us. Cats definitely recognize humans but just ignore us most of the times. Then, how do cats recognize their owners?
No 1. Our Voices

You might think cats would respond best to smell just like dogs.

However, according to a study, cats recognize human voices primarily by ears or moving heads.

Therefore, if you make an unusual voice, your cat might get nervous and even frightened before sensing your smell.
No 2. Our Smells

Smell is one of the ways cats recognize their owners. Cats have a strong sense of smell, they use it to identify enemies, mates and people.

Therefore, they often smell you thoroughly each time you come home with unfamiliar smells.
No 3. Our Faces

Cats recognize our faces but not very well. They have been evolved in the wild to hunt and survive.

Therefore, they have a high concentration of rod receptors and a low concentration of cone receptors unlike humans. They also have a wider visual field.

However, cats are nearsighted and color blind seeing shades of blue and green but not reds. Therefore, they just recognize our overall appearance rather than face itself.
No 4. Our Footsteps

Cats used to use their hearing to pinpoint prey, Therefore, they are good at recognizing the sound of our footsteps and even one of our movements when we come home.

If you see your cat waiting in front of the door when you get home, it is likely your cat recognizes the sound of your footsteps in distance.
Why your cat doesn’t seem to recognize you

No 1. Tone of your voices

Cats can't understand what we say, but remember the tone of voices.

Therefore, when our voice sounds unfamiliar or hoarse, cats may feel strange and seem to not recognize you.
No 2. Unfamiliar Smells

Cats are territorial animals and identify enemies with smells.

Therefore, if you come home with unfamiliar smells, cats may seem to be wary or afraid.

Cats might run away when we come back after touching another cat or returning home from a hospital.
No 3. When we wear a mask

We often see funny video clips of cats reacting to “Cat-face” selfie filter.

When we wear a completely different mask, cats may not recognize us and get scared.
No 4. Loud unfamiliar sound

Cats get scared with unfamiliar noises such as loud footsteps.

If you run into the house in a hurry and make a loud noise, your cat might get nervous and show aggression.