Dog Body Language: 4 Ways Your Dog Says 'I Love You' in Dog Language


Your dog loves to play with you. Perhaps most of their time except when eating or being tired. Let’s understand the dog body language and what means “let’s play”.

Dog Body Language NO 1. You make me confident!



When your dog trusts you, they feel confident and comfortable just to be with you. When dogs get relaxed and feel happy, we can see some signs with their faces.


They blink their eyes more than usual, keep their mouths open with their tongue hanging out.


They may show their belly, wag their tails, and stretch their front legs saying “Let’s PLAY!”

Dog Body Language NO 2. I love your stuff



Dogs love your stuff because of the smell.


If your dog chews and sleeps on your shoes or clothes, that means they love you and miss you. Dogs like your shoes so much because of the stinky smell!


So, you shouldn’t yell at your dogs for doing that.


If they keep chewing your stuff, you need to give them other chewable objects such as gums or toys and train them.


Remember though - If you see your dog lying on your stuff, That’s their way of saying “I love you” in dog body language. Let’s say “I love you, too!” with a big smile.

Dog Body Language NO 3. I love eye contact with you



Eye contact is important for both humans and dogs, but in different ways.

It is believed that dogs use eye contact to establish dominance.

However, that’s not always the case in dog body language.


If your dog has a special bond with you, they are likely to make eye contact.

It is an opposite signal from dog body language as it is usually threatening to other dogs.


If you want to strengthen your bond with your dog, make eye contact.


According to a study, levels of oxytocin, also known as Love Hormones, increased in both dogs and owners when they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Dog Body Language NO 4. I want to cuddle with you



It is common belief that “Dogs do not like hugs”

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean dogs do not like physical contact.


If your dog likes to lean on you or lick your face, it means your dog is bonded to you.

Also, the saying “dogs do not like hugs” is not a scientific fact and varies per each dog’s characteristics.


Therefore, you need to find out whether my dog likes physical contact or not.

If you want to figure out what kind of dog he or she is, look for signs in dog body language.


For example, if they keep their ears down, lick their mouth, or turn their heads away, they might be nervous or even stressed out.


On the other hand, leaning on you or wagging their tails are signals they like your hugs and they are very happy.

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