Dog Body Language 101- How to Understand Your Dog Better


Dogs love to be attached to their guardians. That's why they are called Velcro Dogs. But, if you don't respond properly to your dog’s actions, he may get confused and distant. Since dogs can’t speak human language and vice versa, even dog language translator devices have been released. In fact, you can interpret their emotions and states through their body language.

No 1. EARS



When your dog feels comfortable, his ears are in a natural position and he sticks his tongue out. Also, when he is happy, his ears are up or back and his mouth is open.


On the other hand, your dog may express anxiety and confusion by raising his ears, pulling his body forward or tail upright, or moving his ears back and forth.


In addition, if he turns his ears back and reveals his teeth or curls his body, he may feel scared. Also, if he has wrinkles on his nose at the same time, he might be feeling severe fear. In this case, don’t bother him.

No 2. EYES



Usually dogs’ eye contact means a challenge or alert. But, when your dog contacts his eyes with you, it is an expression of affection. Also, if your dog blinked his eyes, it would mean love and not challenge.


However, some dog breeds are likely to blink because their eyelashes irritate their eyes. See if this is the case for your dog.


If your dog has eyes wide open and a tail straight up, he may want to play. But if he looks up as if he is self-conscious, it means he is nervous, so you need to figure out why.




People often think that dogs wag their tails when they are happy. However, it may differ depending on the position and speed of wagging.


If a dog wags his tail slowly and gently, he would be happy and in a good mood. But if he holds his tail straight up and wags it strong and fast, he would be alert and sense strangers.


Also, there is a study saying that a dog wagging the tail to the right feels happy and the one wagging to the left feels anxious.




A dog’s high-pitched cry could mean joy while a low-pitched cry could mean negative emotions and aggression. But other body signs of ears, a tail or a face should be considered together. If your dog whimpers, he may want attention from you, or he may be lonely or painful. So, take care of his condition.


If your dog howls like a wolf, he could be lonely. Perhaps, he may have separation anxiety. But, your dog would howl when he is scared by the loud noise outside or other dog’s cries.


Also, howling during sleep is likely to be just sleep talking. Don’t wake him because he can become aggressive. If a dog who doesn’t howl suddenly starts to howl, he may have dementia or a disease.




Dog’s tilting melts one’s heart. Dogs often do this after they hear an interesting or favorite sound.


Some say that a dog with a long muzzle which obscures his view may tilt his head because it is difficult to see his owner’s facial expression or mouth.


If your dog continues to tilt his head to only one side, he may have vestibular syndrome. Often seen in older dogs, so it is good to check them carefully.

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