Separation anxiety in dogs is better known than in cats. But cats can suffer from separation anxiety, too.
Like dogs, cats have a great affection for their owners. So they can feel lonely and depressed.
Dogs express their mood in various ways, but cats just don’t look that way. Thus, people think cats are solitary. But they also need time with us.
Otherwise, they may feel more anxious, stressed, and experience separation anxiety.
Symptoms of Cat Separation Anxiety
Symptoms of separation anxiety in cats are excessive meowing, urinating outside of the cat litter box, excessive self-grooming, extreme attachment to the owner, vomiting, diarrhea, and hiding.
Anxious cats do these behaviors to calm themselves down.
Separation anxiety in cats can be caused by genetics and environmental factors.
Causes of Separation Anxiety
No 1. Early Separation From Mom Cat
Cats who were separated from their mom cats too early often develop separation anxiety due to the lack of social skills.
It’s because kittens start to socialize with their own feline family at 3 to 9 weeks of age.
No 2. Genetic Factor
Genetics can also play a role in cat separation anxiety.
Although you can’t change the genetics, you can play with her and help with exercise for her physical and mental health.
No 3. Environmental Factor
When your cat is bored or lacks play time, she can become overly attached to you.
Also, she can struggle if the home environment changes such as changes in family members or your daily routine.
Also, she can sense your emotions. The more anxious you are, the more anxious she becomes.
No 4. Health Problems
Before getting diagnosed with separation anxiety, check your cat’s health problems.
Check for urinary tract infections, hypothyroidism, bowel disease, skin problems, allergies, and parasitic infections.
If she is diagnosed with separation anxiety, training can usually correct her behaviors without medication.
In severe cases, medicine can be prescripted.In severe cases, medicine can be prescribed.
How to Treat Cat Separation Anxiety
No 1. Enough Playtime
Play with your kitty two or three times a day.
Offer her a variety of toys and snacks, and praise her greatly when she gets used to playing alone.
If she keeps being overly attached to you or crying excessively and so forth, don’t respond.
No 2. Training
Your cat can be nervous when she sees you get ready to go out.
Some items can signal separation. Things like a jacket, keys, wallet, bag, or shoes can increase her anxiety.
Then, while you are at home, repeat the actions you do when you go out.
For example, pick up your key, leave and come back quickly.
If she gets better, gradually increase time out of home.
Leave for a while, come back, and check whether she is ok.