No 1. They Groom The Owner

Mother cats groom their baby kittens in order to help them poop well and to keep them clean.

If cats groom their owner everyday, it could mean that they consider the owner as their baby kitten.
No 2. Follow The Owner To The Bathroom

A bathroom is a frightening space for cats because they’re afraid of water.

Thus, cats who treat the owner as their baby kitten will follow the owner to the bathroom as they are worried.
No 3. Keep The Owner Warm

Baby kittens’ bodies are not fully developed, so they are not good at thermoregulation. Therefore, mother cats always stick to their baby kitten’s side to prevent their temperature from falling too low.

If cats are always by the owner’s side, it means they are treating him/her like a baby kitten and trying to take care of him/her.
No 4. Always By The Owner’s Side

Oftentimes, a cat who tags along the owner has separation anxiety or is a charmer. They may also follow the owner around if they think of the owner as their baby kitten.

They are following the owner around in order to protect him/her from getting hurt or being in danger.
No 5. Keep Nagging On The Owner

Cats know the concept of time, so they recognize what time the owner returns home or wakes up.

Cats who treat the owner as their baby kitten will follow him/her around and cry like they’re nagging on him/her if the owner behaves in a manner that they don’t like, such as coming home late or waking up late.
No 6. Hunt Food For The Owner

In the cats’ world, hunting is what differentiates grown-up cats and baby kittens.

If cats perceive the owner as a baby kitten who can’t hunt, they will bring food to the owner and teach him/her how to hunt.
No 7. Pretend To Be Asleep

Cats are capable of pretending to sleep, so if the owner is getting ready to go to bed, they will stay by his/her side even if they’re not tired.

If the owner seems to have fallen asleep, they may eventually leave the room. This is to oversee their owner until he/she falls asleep and make sure that everything is safe.