6 Tips To Discipline Your Cat Properly


Cats are very lovely, but they often misbehave and make our lives difficult. So, it is important to discipline your cats properly and understand their behavioral problems.

Before you discipline your cat, you have to see whether their behaviors are natural traits or bad habits.


For example, scratching and knocking down objects are just natural reactions for cats. So, it is important to provide a suitable environment from the first place.

Here are some guidelines:

  • Do not leave breakable objects on a shelf or a table
  • Set up furniture defenders
  • Get a cord protector
  • Don't leave food (or food waste) unguarded
  • Use a lidded trash bin
  • Cover the base of plants
  • Cover a hot burner
  • Train your cat not to enter a No-Cat zone if any

No 1. Make a ‘Stop’ word



When your cat misbehaves, you need to scare your cat and make him or her end that behavior. Cats do not understand word combinations, so make a stop sign as simple as a big “No”.


If you use this word whenever needed, your cat will associate it with bad behaviors eventually and hopefully stop the behavior.

No 2. Use a firm voice tone



Cats learn a word with your voice tone. So, use a firm voice tone persistently when you say the “Stop” word.

No 3. Do not yell



Cats have a good sense of hearing. If you yell or make loud noises, it may have your cat feel anxious and even threatened.


This may cause additional misbehaviors, and your cat would not trust you.

No 4. Be consistent



Consistency is key to disciplining properly. If you let your cat chew cords one day and not the other day, your cat will be confused. So, be consistent how and when to discipline.

No 5. Stop immediately and redirect



Stop your cat during bad behaviors and redirect his or her attention to something else immediately.


If you discipline him or her a few hours later, your cat will never know what the problem is and get confused.

No 6. Do not discipline with their names



Cats do recognize their names even if they seem to ignore you when you call them.


Thus, if you call their names to discipline, they will associate their own names with something negative.


Last but not least, you should never hurt your cat physically or lock your cat in a room. This type of discipline never works and causes more behavioral problems such as aggression or worse, they could get traumatized.

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