6 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Shaking or Shivering


When you see dogs shaking, you might think it’s because they’re cold just like humans. However, it may actually be a severe sign that they are not feeling well. Then, what are the reasons behind dogs shaking?

No 1. Temperature (Too Cold or Too Hot)



Dogs start shaking when it's too cold. Shivering increases their heat production so if your dog is shivering because he or she feels cold, increase the temperature of your room and give your dog a blanket to stay warm.


On the other hand, shaking can also be a sign of heat stroke for dogs. As heat stroke is fatal, you have to cool down your dog with a wet towel and go see a vet.


If the temperature surrounding your dog was moderate, yet you saw your dog shaking, it may be due to other reasons.

No 2. Injury



If your dog is healthy but begins to shiver all of a sudden, you should see if he or she got hurt. Dogs often bump into a hard object or poke their feet with something sharp. If the wound is severe, take your dog to the vet immediately.

No 3. Aging



Sometimes dogs can shake as they get older. Tremors in hind legs is especially common for old dogs.


In this case, make sure you keep a piece of furniture in the same spot and pay attention to his or her pace of walking towards the furniture.

No. 4. Illness



Shivering is a symptom of various diseases such as kidney failure, hormonal imbalance, or neurological disorders. If you see other symptoms as well, make sure to take your dog to the vet.

No. 5 Food Poisoning



Another reason for dog shivering is food poisoning. Foods that are toxic to dogs include chocolate, coffee, alcohol, grapes, and xylitol.


If your dog shakes after ingesting any toxic food, go to the vet immediately as this could lead to liver failure.

No 6. Excited or Scared



Dogs shiver when they are scared. For example, they shake during thunderstorms, when being alone with strangers or when threatened by other animals. To help your dog, get your dog out of this bad situation.


On the other hand, dogs can also start shaking when they are excited. In this case, they calm down after a while.

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