5 Dangerous Cat Behaviors That Can Hurt Themselves


Cats seem smart and elegant. Sometimes their cuttest, funniest actions melt our heart. But some actions are so rough that they can hurt themselves. Let’s check five dangerous cat behaviors and ways to stop.

No 1. To Destroy Things



You may have seen your cat drop and destroy things. It's to get your attention or just for fun.


Especially when she drops a plate or glass, it could be dangerous for you and your cat. If she likes to misbehave this way, keep fragile things away from her in advance.

No 2. To Eat Houseplants



Your kitty might like to chew on houseplants and even eat them. But, just smelling a lily or asteraceae plant might lead to poisoning for her.


Many plants can cause poisoning when she eats. So before getting indoor plants, make sure it’s safe to your cat. Cat grass is safe so good to consider.

No 3. To Chew Things



It’s dangerous for cats to chew plastics and fabrics. In particular, chewing on cords can lead to an electric shock accident. So, clean up damageable items.


Rather give them chewable toys. Also, check if there is a specific reason for chewing habit.


And if depression or anxiety is an issue, talk to your vet if she needs medication.

No 4. To Climb Up Curtains



Cats like to climb up high places, even curtains. But, they may get claws stuck in curtains. So, it’s good to have cat proof curtains or blinds.


For example, thick, slippery curtains are hard for cats to climb. If possible, you can hang a curtain or blind in between double glazed windows.

No 5. To Dig Through A Trash Bin



The smell and mysterious noise when touching a trash bin could attract your curious kitty. But, it could be dangerous if she eats food waste there.


So, get a trash can with a lid. Plus, keep food waste out of reach.

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