4 Human Behaviors That Startle Cats


No 1. Cheering or Shrieking



When there is a visitor whom the owner is happy to see, the owner will tend to speak in a loud voice or talk faster.


As cats are sensitive to sounds, they may be startled and become stressed out in such cases. Moreover, because house cats treat their home as their personal zone, they will be afraid and be on guard when a stranger enters the house.


If the owner acts in an unusual way, such as cheering loudly or bustling around, cats may become even more stressed out.


In such situations, it is a good idea to isolate the cats in a room where others cannot enter or prepare a hideaway box for the cats.

No 2. Laughing Out Loud and Clapping



There are times when people unknowingly laugh out loud or clap when watching TV or talking on the phone with friends.


While these are expressions of joy for humans, cats can be startled and become frightened. Plosives such as clapping noises are sounds that are particularly hated by cats.

No 3. Screaming or Fighting



Cats may become startled when they see humans raising their voice or arguing. Therefore, people who live with cats should not scold someone in a loud voice or quarrel.


Even though such behavior may not be directed at cats, they may still be frightened.


If there is loud arguing noise coming from outside of the house and the cat is startled and frightened, you should close the window and block the sound.

No 4. Sneeze Loudly



When the owner sneezes loudly, cats will be startled by the sudden loud noise. As cats are sensitive animals, they will respond sensitively to sudden, loud noises.


Cats who are particularly sensitive and timid may even hide out in the corner when they are startled by the sneezing sound.


If your cat was startled by the sneezing noise and went to hide out, you should not forcibly pull him/her out or get too close as your cat would get scared and bite you.

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