No 1. To prevent hairball build-up

Cats groom themselves and throw up their hairballs. If they do not cough up the hairballs, furs pile up and sometimes cause intestinal blockage.

Grass helps cats digest well and poop or throw up the hairballs.
No 2. To relieve constipation

Constipation is one of the most common health issues in cats. Grass is rich in fiber, so it may help relieve constipation.

At the same time, feeding wet food is a good way to increase their water intake.
No 3. Safe plants you can grow

Many plants are toxic for cats.

If you are a plant lover, cat grass will be a great alternative as they are safe for cats.
No 4. To relieve stress

Grass eating makes indoor cats to chew and relieve stress just like their ancestors in the wild used to.
How Much To Feed

There is no nutritional guide on how much to feed your cats. But, you don’t need to worry because most healthy cats will eat just the right amount.

Lastly, you don’t have to feed cat grass when your cat is unhealthy or a kitten not prone to digest well.