3 Situations When Cats Feel Abandoned


#1 When Cats Mistakenly Think They’ve Been Abandoned

No 1. When the Owner is Away for a Long Time



Cats like to maintain a consistent daily routine. As such, if there is a sudden change in the routine, they become stressed.


When the pet owner is away from home for longer than usual, the cat who is left alone will feel anxious and thus may mistakenly believe that the owner won’t be back.

No 2. When They Are Hospitalized



Cats sometimes get hospitalized depending on how sick they are. However, since cats cannot comprehend why they need to be hospitalized, they may believe that they have been abandoned in a tiny, frightening space.


If your cat is to be hospitalized, it is a good idea to leave with him/her blankets or dolls that smell like the owner. Also, if it is possible to visit, you should go see your cat everyday to reassure him/her.

No 3. When They Have Been Left At Another Place



When the cat owner is away from home for an extended period of time, he/she will sometimes leave the cat at a pet hotel or friend’s place.


Cats are sensitive animals so they become highly stressed when there is a sudden change in the environment.


If possible, it is better to hire a pet sitter or invite a friend to come over to the cat’s home. Cats who feel abandoned may send their owner signals that they are lonely. Let’s find out about the signs that cats send when they are lonely.

#2 Behaviors That Lonely Cats Display


No 1. Kneading, Suckling



Cats’ kneading or suckling behavior is what baby kittens do to their moms and they no longer show such behavior once they grow up.


However, if a cat still kneads or suckles even after becoming an adult, it could mean that he/she is a bit childish or gets lonely easily.

No 2. Long Crying Sound



If cats make a long, loud meowing sound, it means that they are looking for their owner.


When the owner is away or is out of sight, cats can become anxious and continue to cry looking for the owner. Cats can seem snobby and carefree but they are sensitive and delicate.


So even if they don’t show it, they feel lonely when the owner does not pay attention to them.


If you inevitably have to be away from home for a long time or be gone for a while, you should be considerate so that your cat does not feel abandoned.

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